
St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School

Live, Love, Believe.


If you are a key worker, if your child has a social worker or an EHCP you may access the Childcare provision that the school will be running from Monday 22.3.20.


Please note that if you are able to look after your children at home then you should do so even if you do fit into any of the categories above.


The children will be taking part in a variety of activities including messy activities.  The children should wear their school uniform top but may wear tracksuit bottoms so that parents are not concerned about the messiness of the activities.


The children should bring in their learning packs as part of the time that they are in the provision will be used to support their learning that would have been doing at home.


Please note the less the provision is used the more likely we are able to keep in running for longer.  If you can keep your children home then you should do so.  Keeping the children at home, helps keep us all safe.


Please note my staff are not there to be treated with anything than the respect that we show our families.  If you have any concerns you must address them to Mrs Sanderson.


All children should access the provision through the front entrance to the school. Mrs S will meet the children at 8.40am at the front blue gate and parents can collect the children from this same gate.
