
St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School

Live, Love, Believe.


The content and principles underpinning the 2014 Mathematics curriculum and the Maths
curriculum at St Thomas’ reflect those advocated by our approach at St Thomas of Canterbury.
These principles and features characterise this approach and convey how our curriculum is

• Teachers reinforce an expectation that all children are capable of achieving high standards in

• The large majority of children progress through the curriculum content at the same pace.
Differentiation is achieved by varied task design, emphasising deep knowledge and through
individual support and intervention.

• Teaching is underpinned by methodical curriculum design and supported by carefully crafted
lessons and resources to foster deep conceptual and procedural knowledge.

• Practice and consolidation play a central role. Carefully designed variation within this builds
fluency and understanding of underlying mathematical concepts.

• Teachers use precise questioning in class to test conceptual and procedural knowledge and assess
children regularly to identify those requiring intervention, so that all children keep up.

To ensure whole school consistency and progression, the school uses the HIAS Maths Scheme. The
HIAS maths scheme of learning include the ‘I can learning journey’ statements. The objectives are
carefully sequenced to support teachers with the order in which objectives can be taught. The
scheme is taught on a ‘spiral’, therefore topics are returned to throughout the year, this promotes
deep learning of a topic. Each lesson is taught in the same format: A recap of previous learning that
would support the learning of the day; Practising the area to be taught with teacher support
gradually being reduced; Applying the key skill in different concepts. All children have access to
manipulatives throughout every lesson to help support the learning of a concept. They are
encouraged to draw pictures at aid their understanding of the concept before they use the abstract
method of their learnt skill. Misconceptions are addressed through intervention marking within the
lesson and Keep up Catch up before the end of topic. Children are assessed half termly using NTS,
these assessments are then used to help with the planning of the next skills to be learnt.

Mathematics subject statement - our intent and implementation for this subject
